Black Tie Optional (Wild Wedding Series Book 1) Read online

Page 26

  “But maybe you should get to the point,” she interrupted. “Before you get a kick in the balls.”

  There was the Olivia Ramsey Grant he knew and loved. In spite of her threat, and knowing damn well she’d follow through with it, Cole couldn’t help but smile. “My point is”—his gaze softened—“I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  “Nothing?” Her expressionless mask slipped a bit, and what Cole saw beneath was confusion, and if he wasn’t mistaken, hope.

  “Except for moving you into my bed,” he said. It was time to cut the bullshit and lay it all on the line. “I can’t very well have my wife sleeping down the hall.”

  A soft crease formed between her delicate brows. “That wasn’t a problem before.”

  Cole stepped closer, and his gaze dropped to Olivia’s lips. The urge to kiss her was so strong he had to concentrate on holding himself back. “I wasn’t in love with you before.”

  Olivia blinked, partly to convince herself that what was happening was real and partly to hold back the tears that threatened to come streaming down her face.

  “I love you, Olivia,” Cole said, repeating the sentiment that still hadn’t quite penetrated her foggy mind. “I want you, not as some partner in a business arrangement but as my partner in life.”

  The walls she’d constructed around her heart began to crumble, and a single tear rolled down her cheek.

  “Yes, you annoy and aggravate me,” he said. “But you also challenge me and make me laugh and for the first time in what seems like forever, I’m actually happy.” He tucked a stray curl behind her ear and even that brief contact had her insides melting. “If you’ll let me, I’ll spend the rest of my life doing the same for you.”

  “The aggravation or the happiness?” she asked, smiling through the tears she could no longer fight.

  Cole chuckled. “I’d like to say the latter, but in reality, it will probably be both.”

  “You know, tonight was nearly perfect,” she said. “Derek took me to my favorite restaurant, the one we went to on our first date. He said all the right things, apologized, practically begged for another chance.”

  In front of her Cole visibly tensed, and his gaze fell to the floor between them. After a beat, he cleared his throat, but when he spoke his voice was still rough. “Sounds great.”

  “It was, except I didn’t want to be with Derek eating vegan food at Raw. I wanted to be sitting across from you at that ridiculous monstrosity you call a table telling you how the chicken you were eating had a family. And I didn’t want to be discussing my day with him. I wanted to be talking to you and watching you roll your eyes even though I knew deep down that I’d given you something to think about. And I didn’t want him to come back to my apartment for a book or a drink or anything else. I wanted to come home.” She paused to draw a steadying breath. “To you.”

  Cole’s head snapped up, and his eyes met hers.

  “I wasn’t completely honest before. I didn’t tell Derek to leave because I needed time to think. I told him to leave because I knew in my heart I was in love with someone else.”

  Olivia’s breath caught as he lunged forward, reaching her in a single stride. His fingers trembled as his hands framed her face, but his lips were strong and confident as he claimed her mouth in a kiss of undeniable possession.

  As if a sigh of relief, Olivia melted against the hard planes of his chest. Keeping her emotions in check had taken everything she had and admitting how she really felt left her feeling exhilarated and exhausted all at once. Her lips parted on a soft moan, and he deepened their kiss, his tongue sliding with hers in lush strokes. One hand clutched his bicep while the other fisted in his thick, unruly hair. She’d spent so much time trying to keep him at arm’s length, when deep down what she really wanted was to invite him in. Now that she’d finally let her guard down, she couldn’t get close enough. She needed to feel his skin touching hers, to be joined on the most primitive level. But physical expression had never been their problem, and although she wanted nothing more than to have him carry her to the bedroom and bury himself inside her, there were words she still needed to say.

  Reluctantly she broke their kiss. “I love you,” she whispered.

  Cole studied her face and when he replied it wasn’t some automated response. His words were genuine and heartfelt and affected her even more deeply than his kiss. “I love you too.”

  “So, what do we do now, start out married and work backwards from there?” she asked.

  His lips brushed across her cheek, kissing away her tears. “Not backward, forwards.”

  She gave a small laugh as his mouth found the sensitive spot below her ear. “Most couples don’t get married and then see how it goes.”

  He reared back and smiled. “Since when are we like most couples?”


  “I love you, Olivia. I don’t care how this started. All that matters is where we end up.”

  “What are you saying, we just agree to be married for real and move on from there?” Olivia took a step back and held out her hand. “Should we shake on it?”

  Cole took her extended hand and lifted it to his lips. He pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles then with a sharp tug, yanked her flush against his body. The erection that prodded against her belly told him he was ready to consummate their deal with a lot more than a handshake.

  “We can get married again if you’d like,” he said, gazing down at her with dark, hungry eyes. “And this time we can do everything the right way. Your dad can give you away, and our friends can celebrate with us instead of Elvis and Tiny Angus.” He chuckled. “Actually, I think I’d like to invite Tiny Angus either way, but you can have real bridesmaids and a dress that doesn’t look like it came out of a horror movie. I’m sure Rebecca will want to help, but I’ll warn you now, she tends to go a bit overboard.”

  “None of that hoopla matters to me, Cole.” And it was true. Their love had nothing to do with pomp and circumstance. The extravagant ceremonies like the ones his sister planned for couples were beautiful, but Olivia didn’t need all that. She would have been happy exchanging vows in a corn field. “Actually,” she said as an idea popped into her mind. “Maybe we could renew our vows over the holidays. Say, at Thanksgiving, on my parent’s farm? Just you, me, my parents, and your sister. And we should probably invite Cassie and Conor too.”

  A warm smile lit Cole’s face. “I think that sounds perfect. And apt as well. As long as you’re sure?”

  “Positive.” Olivia bit her lower lip. “Although . . .”

  “What is it?”

  “I wouldn’t mind a honeymoon.”

  “Deal. In fact,” His eyes narrowed mischievously. “How would you feel about a quick getaway first, sort of a rehearsal?”

  “A rehearsal for the honeymoon?”

  Cole nodded. He looked like a kid who had just asked to open a present before Christmas.




  “I was planning on taking you away this evening, so we could talk this through. The jet is on standby.”

  “You planned all that without even bothering to ask if I wanted to go?”

  He stared at her, nonplussed.

  “Cole, you make a romantic getaway sound like a kidnapping.”

  A wicked gleam lit his eyes. “I wasn’t planning to tie you up, but that can be arranged.”

  Olivia felt a warm blush spread across her cheeks.

  He chuckled. “I was teasing, but I’ll take that smile as a yes.”

  She rolled her eyes, but there was no denying the jolt of pleasure that shot straight to her core. “Where were you planning to take me?” she asked. Best to stay focused if they had any hope of actually making it to the plane.

  “Colorado. I own a home in Vail. Actually, we own a home in Vail.”

  “Hey,” she shot back. “Not everything has changed. What’s yours is yours, that stays the same.”

  “We can di
scuss it on the plane. And by discuss, I mean I will tear up the contract we signed in Vegas.” He held up a hand to silence her protest. “And then we will spend the rest of the three-hour flight consummating the fuck out of this marriage.”

  “I think we’ve done that a time or two already, but I’m game.” She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair. “Just one question.”

  “What’s that?”

  She giggled. “Will you be showering?” For the first time, Olivia realized that Cole wasn’t in his normal uniform of a suit and tie. Instead he was dressed like he’d walked right out of a gym, and not the fancy kind with a steam room and showers, either.

  A frown knit Cole’s brow.

  “Oh, come on, you know I’m only playing.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his neck, letting her tongue flutter across his salty skin. “I like it when you’re all sweaty.” Her voice dropped as her hands slipped beneath his T-shirt. “Of course, I like getting you sweaty even more.”

  “That’s not it.”

  “Then what’s wrong?” Olivia pulled back to look at him. If she hadn’t known better, she’d have said he almost seemed nervous.

  “There’s one thing I fucked up the first time and I’d like the chance to make it right.”

  “What’s that?”

  Cole stepped back and dropped to one knee. With a shy grin, he looked up at her from beneath dark lashes, his blue eyes bright with sincerity. “Olivia Ramsey, despite the odds, we found each other and God help me I don’t ever want to let you go.” He reached into the pocket of his track pants and pulled out a small red leather box. When he opened it, Olivia expected to see the ring he’d given her the night of the gala. But instead of an enormous diamond, a band with a simple jade stone sat nestled between two rows of satin. Olivia recognized it immediately. It was the ring her father had given her mother when they were just starting out.

  Her hand flew to her mouth. “Where did you get that?” she asked around the lump that had formed in her throat.

  His expression turned sheepish. “Your mother gave it to me just before we left. She said I’d know when the time was right to give it to you.”

  One more tear rolled down Olivia’s cheek.

  “I was thinking maybe when we got to Vail,” he said. “Something romantic with flowers and candles, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I want to make this official, Olivia. I want you to truly be my wife.” His eyes were lit with a mix of devotion and nervous anticipation. “That’s if you’ll have me?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Cole waited a beat before cocking his head to one side in question. “That’s it? No negotiations, no terms you want to discuss?”

  Olivia shook her head. “Nope.” She pulled him to his feet and stepped into his open arms. “Of course, this doesn’t mean I will stop harassing you. I just won’t need to do it outside a coffee shop. But if there is a construction site you’re looking at down state that will adversely affect the migration patterns of—”

  Cole silenced her with a kiss and when he finally released her she swayed and wobbled on her feet.

  “That doesn’t change anything,” she said on a stuttering breath.

  “I know,” he replied.

  Olivia met his goofy grin with one of her own. “Good. Now do it again.”


  Keep reading for a sneak Preview of ICING ON THE CAKE and SAVE THE DATE, Book 2 and 3 of the Wild Wedding Series.


  Wild Wedding Book Two

  Chapter One

  “I’m going to die a virgin.”

  Olivia pulled a stool up to the stainless-steel workspace that filled the center of the small industrial kitchen. Without missing a beat, she dismissed her best friend’s prediction. “You can’t die a virgin. You’ve already had sex.”

  “Well, it’s been so long, I’m sure I’m re-virginized.”

  Olivia snorted. “That’s not a word. Or a condition.”

  “It should be. I can be the first documented case.”

  “Cassandra Miller, patient zero.” Olivia cocked her head to the side. “You need a man.”

  Cassie glanced up from the clipboard where she’d been ticking off the items in the afternoon delivery and blew a stray auburn curl out of her eyes. “No time.”

  “Call me crazy but I’m fairly sure your sex life won’t improve until you actually start spending a little more time around humans and less around convection ovens and stand mixers.” She picked up a dough prickler and spun the wheel. “Although this looks promising.”

  Cassie reached across the counter and snatched the gadget out of Olivia’s hands. “You know I’ve been pouring every spare minute into this bakery.” She tucked the small pastry wheel into the front pocket of a neon pink apron with SUGAR RUSH printed across the front. “The grand opening is less than two months away and there’s still so much to do.”

  “Your business partner must be a real slacker,” Olivia said with a laugh.

  “Yeah, total nightmare. Runs off and elopes with a gazillionaire, and next thing you know she decides that she needs to invest in a cupcake shop.”

  “You know, when I offered to be your silent partner, I didn’t envision you working eighteen-hour days.”

  “First, when have you been silent about anything? And second, you’ve made my dream come true, Livvy. I just want to do you proud. I wouldn’t even be taking this weekend off if it wasn’t my brother’s wedding.”

  “And even in Podunksville you’ll be spending more than half your time in an apron.”

  “The town is called Madison and it’s not podunk. It’s charming and quaint.”

  “Uh, hel-lo, farm girl here,” Olivia said, aiming her thumb at her chest. “I know podunk when I see it. But a weekend away is still a weekend away and while it might not be Vegas, I for one, plan to make the most of it.”

  Cassie lifted a brow. “Need I remind you that you got completely sloshed in Vegas and ended up sleeping with the enemy?”

  The smile that lit Olivia’s face was the perfect combination of sentiment and smut. Cassie would tease her best friend—covering her ears and shouting “TMI!” when Olivia would wax nostalgic about the wild night she’d spent with her now-husband, at least the parts she could remember—but the truth of the matter was, Cassie couldn’t have been happier for her. There’d been a time when Olivia had given up on romance. Seeing her so happy renewed Cassie’s hope that maybe someday she’d find a love like that as well. Of course, that day was a long way off. Right now, she had a shop to open. There were invoices to check and shelves to stock and vendors to meet with and ads to place. The list went on and on, which meant Cassie had absolutely no time whatsoever for men.

  “Letting my hair down in Vegas ended up being the best decision of my life.”

  “Don’t you mean letting your top down?” Cassie asked, referring to Olivia’s bold decision to go topless at the hotel’s adult-only pool.

  Olivia laughed. “Well, if I can untie my bikini top, least you can do is untie those apron strings.”

  She had a point, but it was moot. “I promised Matthew and Emily that I would make their wedding cake. It’s my gift to them.”

  “And that’s sweet and all but it’s not like Prince Charming is going to stroll into the bakery to sample your sweets and sweep you off your feet.”

  It had been so long since anyone had sampled Cassie’s sweets, as her friend so eloquently put it, there might as well have been a permanent CLOSED sign in the window. And with the way things were going, that was going to be the case for the foreseeable future. Not that she was complaining. Three years ago—when she’d quit her job as a CPA at one of Chicago’s top accounting firms to pursue her true passion—Cassie would have never envisioned opening a pastry shop anywhere, much less in the heart of Millennium Park. The entire venture was the opportunity of a lifetime, and she was darn sure going to make the most of it.

  “I don’t have time to be swept off my
feet.” Cassie opened the recipe book that was sitting on the counter next to her and began flipping through the pages. “Maybe just pressed up against the fridge,” she added with a giggle.

  “Well, you won’t find a cure for re-virginization in one of those cookbooks,” Olivia said. “What you need is a little adventure. Put some spice in your life.”

  Cassie rolled her eyes. “So says the woman who spent last weekend crawling over rocks looking for snotty-nosed vermin.”

  “Hey, those little vermin brought Cole into my life.”

  Indeed, they had. Although there were times when Cassie still found their entire relationship hard to believe. For three months Olivia had made it her life’s work to lobby—or harass, depending on which one of them you asked—Cole into moving his latest venture to an area that wouldn’t threaten a long-eared bat that looked to have a serious sinus issue. Then a night in Vegas led to a marriage of convenience and the rest, as they say, was history.

  “We can’t all protest our way into the perfect marriage. Besides, I don’t have time for a love life.” She waved a hand at the boxes stacked in the corner. “I literally have piles of work to do.”

  “I’m not talking about having a relationship, just a little fling.” Olivia wiggled her eyebrows. “And this weekend is the perfect opportunity. Weddings are always a good place for a hook-up.”

  Cassie’s green eyes grew wide. “You want me to have a weekend fling at my brother’s wedding?”

  “Sure, why not? He and Emily will be the center of attention anyways. All you have to do is wear some hideous bridesmaid’s dress and smile.”

  “And decorate the wedding cake.”

  “You could do that in your sleep. There will be plenty of time to get busy with non-frosting-related ventures. Then again . . .” Olivia reached for a small test batch of frosting and dragged her finger through the fluffy cream. “I can think of a few places I might like to spread this on Cole.”